Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Newsletter from the American Chiropractic Association

Check out the new ACA newsletter for the holiday season.
Articles include:
- Don't Overload on Holiday Treats: (How to get through the holidays healthfully and happily without the extra baggage and toxicity)
- Make Time For Exercise (How to keep your body moving during the stressful and busy holiday times)
- How to Keep your Feet Pain Free For the Holidays
and much more!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Benefits of Massage Therapy: Raleigh NC Massage Therapy

This Holiday Season Kathy Wilson is honoring her patrons and new patients with a discounted rate per hour massage. If you are interested in massage, or would like to give your loved one a relaxing gift please give us a call to schedule at 845-3280.

Here are some reported benefits of massage verified by research:

  • Office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better and were less stressed than those who weren't massaged.

  • Massage therapy decreased the effects of anxiety, tension, depression, pain, and itching in burn patients.

  • Abdominal surgery patients recovered more quickly after massage.

  • Premature infants who were massaged gained more weight and fared better than those who weren't.

  • Autistic children showed less erratic behavior after massage therapy.

  • Medical school students at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School who were massaged before an exam showed a significant decrease in anxiety and respiratory rates, as well as a significant increase in white blood cells and natural killer cell activity, suggesting a benefit to the immune system.

  • Preliminary results suggested cancer patients had less pain and anxiety after receiving therapeutic massage at the James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio.

  • Women who had experienced the recent death of a child were less depressed after receiving therapeutic massage, according to preliminary results of a study at the University of South Carolina.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Trans-Fatty Acids: Info from a Raleigh Holistic Health Center

Found in hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated fats

  • Research is being reported on adverse effects of trans-fatty acids related to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, low birth weight, obesity and immune dysfunction.
  • Although research clearly shows no amount of trans-fats in the diet are considered safe, the FDA has given food manufacturers a large loop-hole in the new trans-fat labeling laws. Trans-fat content of 0.5 (1/2 gram) grams or less per serving can be labeled as 0 trans-fats. Therefore, any label with the words hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated contains trans-fats even when the label states 0 trans-fats.
  • As early as 1958 researchers were claiming trans-fats were culprits in heart disease. The edible oil industry successfully squelched that information, and at the same time, shifted the blame to saturated fats where it has since erroneously remained.

  1. Damage to the functions of cell membranes, when trans-fats become part of membrane structure. (Cell membranes are responsible for transporting nutrients, hormones, etc. in, and waste products out. Cell membranes become “stupid” when made of trans-fats.)
  2. Negatively affects fat-based steroid hormone balance and levels (female and male hormones, and adrenal hormones)
  3. Increases insulin levels in the blood and contributes to Insulin Resistance
  4. Decreases the response of the red blood cells to insulin and contributes to Insulin Resistance even more
  5. Escalates the adverse effects of essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency
  6. Blocks the conversion of Omega 6 and Omega 3 EFAs into their elongated fatty acids and eicosanoids (cellular hormones)
  7. Increases total cholesterol
  8. Decreases HDLs and increases LDLs in a dose-dependent manner (The more trans-fats you eat, the more it disrupts your cholesterol balance.)
  9. Raises the atherosclerosis-forming repair protein (lipoprotein [a]), whereas saturated fats lower this repair protein. (That means that trans-fats irritate the inner artery walls, and saturated fats protect them. This is just the opposite of the food industry propaganda.)
  10. Lowers the volume of cream and the quality of breast milk
  11. Correlates with low infant birth weight
  12. Decrease visual acuity in infants in a dose-dependent manner when they are fed breast milk containing trans-fats
  13. Precipitates childhood asthma
  14. Weakens immunity
  15. Causes adverse alterations in enzymes that metabolize carcinogens
  16. Causes alteration (enlargement) of adipose cell size, cell number, lipid class and fatty acid composition. (Interferes with fats and fat metabolism in the body)1 Enig, Mary G., Ph.D., Know

Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol, Bethesda Press, (2000) pp85-862
DeMaria, Dr. Robert, DC, Trans Fat Survival Guide, Drugless Healthcare Solutions, 2005 or visit
Revised 10/06/2006 Digestion & EFAs - 11 - ©Copyright 2002,2006, 2009 byLang Restorative Endocrinology

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Deflating Inflammation

Experts recommend natural alternatives for treating inflammation.
By Nataliya V. Schetchikova, PhD

When patients with chronic pain and other conditions report to chiropractic offices, David Seaman, DC, MS, DABCN, of Port Orange, Fla., believes that, as part of lifestyle counseling, it’s beneficial to explain that they eat “chronic pain meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner for years on end.”

“We eat linoleic acid that is concentrated in various oils, grains and packaged foods, and then linoleic acid is converted within our bodies to arachidonic acid—a precursor of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), the primary eicosanoid associated with pain. We also ingest arachidonic acid directly in domestic animal products, particularly in fatty meat, chicken skin and farm-raised fish such as tilapia and catfish. Sooner or later, the outcome will be a chronic inflammatory disease,” he explains.

Research has connected inflammation with a myriad of health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer and Alzheimer’s, but converting these research findings into practice remains a problem,1 says Dr. Seaman, an associate professor at Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida, where he teaches clinical nutrition, and author of a Web site dedicated to reducing inflammation,

To deal with inflammation and pain, more than 14 million patients turn to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which suppress the symptoms of headaches, musculoskeletal pains, arthritis, sports injuries, menstrual cramps and allergies—and are responsible for more than 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths a year in the United States alone. While NSAIDs can provide acute pain relief and reduce swelling at the injury site, long-term use has been shown to cause serious health problems.

“Traditional NSAIDs inhibit enzymes called cyclooxygenase-1 (COX1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2). The enzymes serve numerous beneficial homeostatic functions, such as converting dietary fatty acids into eicosanoids. Acute inhibition of the enzymes [by NSAIDs] poses no danger; however, long-term use of NSAIDs does, and gastrointestinal ulceration is the most well-known example,” says Dr. Seaman. “Long-term use of COX2 inhibitors [prescribed to prevent heart disease and stroke] can lead to serious side-effects, including heart attack and stroke in susceptible individuals,” he adds.

Since NSAIDs do not provide a viable solution to the problem of inflammation—and, instead of protecting from chronic diseases, may actually promote them, “the only real alternative is adopting a lifestyle change that does not create the biochemical need for NSAIDs,” says Dr. Seaman.

Essential Fatty AcidsOne such change may be restoring the proper balance of essential fatty acids in the diet. “Many Americans tend to have chronically inflamed bodies and brains because they are eating too many omega-6 and too few omega-3 fatty acids,” says Nancy Emerson Lombardo, PhD, adjunct research assistant professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, who has been involved in several research projects on the effect of nutrition on Alzheimer’s disease. “Experts believe that for optimum health we need a 1:1 to 4:1 range of ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, but we are eating a ratio of 20:1 to 30:1.” In excess, omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory, she explains.

Consumption of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids may decrease chronic pain and inflammation and reduce the need for prescription NSAIDs, agrees Joseph Maroon, MD, a board-certified neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a professor of neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, whose research has focused on prevention and treatment of injuries and diseases of the brain and spine. One of his studies2 showed that 2 g of EPA/DHA daily reduced joint pain and the need for NSAIDs in 59 percent of patients with neck and low-back pain. “The omega-3 fatty acids counter to some extent the poisons we put into the body in the form of trans fatty acids, nitrates, and various chemicals and pesticides from non-organic foods,” he says.

While omega-3 acids are contained in green leafy vegetables, flax seed, flax seed oil and canola oil, many patients, “especially older adults, need direct marine sources of EPA and DHA, namely fish, seafood, seaweed and fish oils,” says Dr. Emerson Lombardo. “DHA seems particularly important for cognitive health and the health of the retina of the eye, while EPA may be more important for heart health and for emotional health.” She cautions, however, that omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have blood-thinning properties, so those taking Warfarin or other potent blood thinners need to communicate with their physicians before introducing or increasing consumption of fish oils, as well as green tea, garlic, ginkgo biloba or vitamin E. Fighting Chronic DiseaseIn addition to increasing intake of anti-inflammatory compounds, returning to a healthy diet and nutritional support can help reduce inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases. “From a dietary perspective, we need to eat more low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, such as lean meat, fish, skinless chicken, vegetables and fruit. A modest amount of nut intake is also appropriate. From the perspective of supplementation, the available evidence favors a multivitamin, magnesium, fish oil, vitamin D and probiotics,” says Dr. Seaman.

Some hypothesize that proper nutritional support, which includes anti-inflammatory components, may be effective in treating Alzheimer’s disease. In Dr. Emerson Lombardo’s double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial, funded by the Alzheimer’s Association and scheduled to start in the spring through Boston University School of Medicine, a combination of anti-inflammatory supplement Zyflamend®, a fruit and vegetable powder BerryGreen®, and two fish oil products will be administered to persons with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease to determine if they can slow progression of the disease when compared to placebos. Zyflamend, a supplement based on herbal compounds, which is mainly used for painful joints, has been shown effective in preliminary trials at Columbia School of Medicine to slow down prostate cancer, says Dr. Emerson Lombardo. “It should help the brain, as well.”

A small study showed that a lifestyle modification protocol may be effective in reducing the pain associated with fibromyalgia,3 says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers ( and author of Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now. “Our placebo-controlled study showed that 91 percent of fibromyalgia patients improve, with the majority becoming pain-free, using our SHINE Protocol: Sleep, Hormones, Infections, Nutrition and Exercise,” he says. As part of the protocol, Dr. Teitelbaum advocates eight hours of daily sleep for tissue repair; thyroid and adrenal hormonal support; elimination of infections, including yeast overgrowth; nutritional support through proper diet and supplementation; and exercise. For those whose pain may prevent them from exercising, he recommends starting a walking program in a warm-water pool.

Natural Alternatives to NSAIDsWhile lifestyle changes can help prevent and manage chronic diseases, NSAIDs have their place for acute pain and inflammation relief, says Dr. Seaman, adding that “on the rare occasion, I take over-the-counter NSAIDs for acute pain relief because I do not think there is a natural product that compares.”
For managing chronic pain, however, some natural anti-inflammatory products may be helpful, according to some clinicians and researchers. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, Dr. Maroon advocates the use of boswellia and turmeric and “tapering off drugs after the blood levels of the products are sufficient.”

Hundred of herbs possess anti-inflammatory properties, says Dale Bellisfield, RN, AHG, clinical herbalist in private practice in New Jersey ( For example, “turmeric is protective against Alzheimer’s, liver problems and cancers,” she says, adding that it’s a good idea to regularly include turmeric in the diet as curried spices or to take a standardized curcumin extract (which can be irritating to the stomach in large doses, she notes).

Willow bark has been shown “as effective to twice as effective as Motrin, but without the toxicity,” says Dr. Teitelbaum. “Boswellia hits several different enzyme systems, as opposed to NSAIDs, and is very effective for both arthritis and muscle pain,” he adds.

Just as any other healthcare intervention, however, herbs should be selected for patients individually, based on a thorough history, assessment and lab work, says Bellisfield. Adding anti-inflammatory compounds is warranted in the presence of high levels of c-reactive protein, high sedimentation rate, pain, inflammation, and in patients who have conditions co-factored by inflammation, such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer, she suggests. “A good herbalist creates patient-specific protocols, selecting the fewest herbs to cover the most conditions for that patient,” she says—adding, as an example, that boswellia may help someone with musculoskeletal pain and asthma. Ginger, in addition to reducing inflammation, is good for those with poor circulation or nausea.

Ultimately, reducing inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases boils down to maintaining healthy lifestyles, which include proper nutrition. “Research has demonstrated that many factors can augment the inflammatory state, including insufficient sleep, mental stressors and too much or too little exercise. In other words, the healthy lifestyle pursuits that many chiropractors recommend are known to be anti-inflammatory,” concludes Dr. Seaman.


References1. Seaman DR. The Diet-Induced Proinflammatory State: A Cause of Chronic Pain and Other Degenerative Diseases? J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2002 Mar-Apr;25(3):168-179.2. Maroon JC, Bost JW. Omega-3 Fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory: an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic pain. Surg Neurol 2006;65(4):326–331.3. Teitelbaum JE, Bird B, Greenfield RM, Weiss A, Muenz L, Gould L. Effective Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia—A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Intent to Treat Study. J Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2001;8(2):3-28. (Full text available at

ACA News Extra...A Word About NSAIDsNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include the following:

• Products containing ibuprofen, naproxen, and ketoprofen, also known as Advil®, Motrin®, Aleve® and Orudis®
• Aspirin—Bayer® and Excedrin®
• Common cold and flu medications, such as Advil Cold and Sinus®, Dimetapp Sinus®, Motrin IB Sinus® and Aleve Cold and Sinus®
• Selective COX-2 inhibitors, such as celecoxib (Celebrex®), valdecoxib (Bextra®) and rofecoxib (Vioxx®)

Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is not an NSAID.

Data shows that in about 80 percent of cases, a serious stomach problem or gastrointestinal bleeding caused by NSAIDs comes with no warning symptoms. A November 2005 study in the Journal of Rheumatology also shows that the majority of patients taking NSAIDs are not aware of the side effects.

Factors that increase the risk of gastrointestinal problems due to NSAIDs include:
• a history of ulcers
• regular alcohol consumption
• taking several different medications that contain NSAIDs
• using a higher-than-recommended dosage
• concurrent use of steroid medications (such as prednisone) or blood thinners (such as warfarin or Coumadin®)
• use by people over the age of 60.

For more information:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Battling the Winter Blues in Raleigh NC

Sunday marked the Fall time change ( if you haven't changed your clocks yet, chances are you've been pretty confused for a few days ;p) which means in one fail swoop we lost precious hours of daylight. Suddenly the sun is going down on our commutes home rather than after dinner. Not only is this irritating and confusing it also poses some health related concerns that require proacivitity...The imposing "winter blues" monster lurks around every shadowy corner and it's time to take action to keep it at bay.

In all seriousness though, the winter blues are a common condition among many. In definition, the winter blues are a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder a form of depression that occurs in relation to the seasons, most commonly beginning in winter. Signs of SAD include
  • Significant, lasting, downturn of mood
  • Apathy; loss of feelings
  • Irritability
  • Less energy
  • Fatigue
  • Boredom
  • Overeating; weight gain
  • Cravings for carbohydrates
  • Sleeping too much; difficulty waking up or staying awake
  • Less interest in being around other people
  • Less interest in activities one used to like

There are several components of the fall time change in time and daylight hours that contribute to SAD. A few of the main culprits behind this disorder are the Pineal Gland, Melatonin, and Vitamin D and their relation to the lack of sunlight.

Pineal Gland and melatonin
“The pineal gland…was thought to be essentially non-functional until several important findings in the early 60’s revealed that the gland is highly metabolically active and that it exerts considerable control over reproductive physiology (Hoffman and Reiter, 1965). Since these early observations, knowledge of the cell biology of the pineal (Reiter, 1991) and of its physiological interactions (Bartness et al. 1994) has accumulated at a rapid pace. It is now clear that this endocrine gland, which for so many years labored in obscurity, may be the most widely acting gland in the body.” (145 Bittar) It's main function involves the wake-sleep cycle in the body. This cycle, known as the circadian rhythm, is governed in part by the regular rise and fall of hormones, especially melatonin. Melatonin is the master sleep hormone; it is produced in the pineal gland. Researchers have identified a regular ebb and flow to human physiology and behavior throughout a normal 24-hour cycle (Hirota T et al 2004). Our overall pattern of wake-sleep depends on the proper functioning of an internal circadian clock, which lies deep in the brain. This circadian clock works with photosensors in the eyes to sense darkness. When darkness falls, the body begins to secrete melatonin, which is one of the factors that cause sleep. Melatonin continues to be secreted throughout the night, although the levels alter, and toward dawn, melatonin secretion gradually diminishes, allowing for wakefulness in the morning.
When there is a problem with this system, sleep disorders and other psychological problems can occur.
To further explain the enormous effect light exposure has on the physiology and functioning of the body, we need to take a closer look at melatonin. Researchers have found that the pineals melatonin releasing system is disrupted in people with SAD. When SAD patients were compared with healthy controls, it was found that the SAD patients had consistently higher daytime melatonin levels during the winter months (6). High daytime melatonin levels would be expected to produce the symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness and the lack of motivation and desire to hibernate, that is seen in SAD sufferers.

Vitamin D Deficiency:
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is prevalent when vitamin D stores are typically low. Broad-spectrum light therapy includes wavelengths between 280-320 nm which allow the skin to produce vitamin D. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that vitamin D deficiency might play a role in SAD. A prospective, randomized controlled trial was conducted in a group of 15 subjects with SAD. Eight subjects received 100,000 I.U. of vitamin D and seven subjects received phototherapy. At the onset of treatment and after 1 month of therapy subjects were administered the Hamilton Depression scale, the SIGH-SAD, and the SAD-8 depression scale. All subjects also had serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH D) measured before and 1 week after intervention therapy. All subjects receiving vitamin D improved in all outcome measures. The phototherapy group showed no significant change in depression scale measures. Vitamin D status improved in both groups (74% vitamin D group, p < r2="0.26;" p="0.05).">

To further strengthen the case that vitamin D deficiency causes some cases of depression, evidence should exist that the incidence of depression has increased over the last century. During that time, humans have reduced their sunlight exposure via urbanization (tall buildings and pollution reduce UVB ), industrialization (working inside reduces UVB exposure), cars (glass totally blocks UVB), clothes (even light clothing blocks UVB), sunblock and misguided medical advice to never let sunlight strike you unprotected skin.
All these factors contribute to reduce circulating 25(OH)D levels. Klerman and Weissman's claim that major depression has increased dramatically over the last 80 years is one of the most famous (and controversial) findings in modern psychiatry. Klerman GL, Weissman MM. Increasing rates of depression. JAMA. 1989 Apr 21;261(15):2229–35. Something called recall bias (a type of selective remembering) may explain some of the reported increase, but does it explain it all?

So what can we do about this?

Eat Well

Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, research suggests.
What is more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found. Data on diet among 3,500 middle-aged civil servants was compared with depression five years later, the British Journal of Psychiatry reported. The team said the study was the first to look at the UK diet and depression. The UK population is consuming less nutritious, fresh produce and more saturated fats and sugars Dr Andrew McCulloch, Mental Health Foundation. They split the participants into two types of diet: those who ate a diet largely based on whole foods, which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish, and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat, refined grains and high-fat dairy products. After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic diseases, they found a significant difference in future depression risk with the different diets. Those who ate the most whole foods had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who at the least whole foods.
By contrast people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate very few processed foods. A great diet to follow is the mediterranean diet.

Phototherapy (lightbox therapy)

As shown in the Vitamin D Study above, light therapy is one option for treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The use of a therapeutic light box is the most effective of light therapies. It has a specially designed light, that is placed near the patient. Providing a dose of 10,000 lux., usually for 30-60 minutes daily. The person stays by the light-box, with their eyes open and unshielded.

Personalized Nutrition/Supplementation

Nutritional consultation is required to create a specified supplement plan for your individual needs. Comprehensive Nutrition is a program that targets your specific health care concerns from a nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle vantage point. It involves regular nutritional consultations to create the balanced nutritional environment your body craves for optimal health and wellness. Nutrition is the basis of our bodies ability to function, to fight disease, and to thrive. If your body is not well there is most likely a large nutritional component to your condition. Working with your doctor (holistic health care practitioner) to assess your specific needs will help you to find the root cause of your discomfort as well as a means of relieving your fatigue, apathy, depression and sensitivity to seasonal sensitivity to light and rebuilding your health for the LONG TERM.


  • Keep a regular routine/schedule
  • Have a regular pattern of sleep; get enough sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Do fun things

There is hope for feeling better. It just requires diligence and proactive concern for your health and wellness.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Refer a Friend to Center for Chiropractic and Wellness

Have you been amazed by the effects of your treatment here at Center for Chiropractic & Wellness? Has Acupuncture helped you to quit smoking? Has Chiropractic allowed you to get back on your feet and get moving again? Has massage granted you a moment to yourself and some therapeutic stress releif and muscle relaxation? Have you lost weight and increased your energy level with our detoxification program? Have you regained your life pre-, post-, and/or peri menopause with hormone balancing?
Any of these benefits and so many more have been proven in our patients. We pride ourselves on treating the whole individual with the knowledge we've gained and continue to devote ourselves to learning, the compassion we feel as a result of our passion for this practice, and the understanding we have from our own health care journeys.
We are proud to serve you and would love a chance to help your friends and family on their personal road to health and wellbeing. Please tell them to call 845-3280 today to schedule their complimentary wellness consulation with our Wellness Coordinator, Jennifer Campbell, to discuss all of their options here at CCW and discover which path may be the right direction to begin with.
Thank you for your patronage, your dedication to your own health, and your support!
In health & wellness,
Jennifer Campbell, WC


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Special Free Showing of the film FRESH: New Thinking About What We're Eating

Where: Hope Community Church
821 Buck Jones Road, Cary

When: 6:30PM Thursday, Oct. 15th

Film Synopsis: FRESH celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system. Each has witnessed the rapid transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model, and confronted the consequences: food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, and morbid obesity. Forging healthier, sustainable alternatives, they offer a practical vision for a future of our food and our planet. Following the film, Sun Butler, Farm/Garden Manager for the Interfaith Food Shuttle, and John O’Sullivan from the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) will lead a discussion about local/regional/state efforts to build a statewide sustainable food system.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My New Favorite Blog

Just making noise: sound bites from a deaf mama is a wonderful blend of helpful information on nourishing ways and delectable dishes. Simply scrolling through her recipe database you will find yourself drooling over entrees such as gourmet banana nut butter toast, Costa Rican Corn Pancakes, Avacado Gazpacho, and Tomato Basil Potatoes even before you hit the jaw dropping dessert section where your stomach will growl with the sounds and sites of Fudgy Rich Black bean brownies, Mango Upside down buttermilk cake, pomegranate icecream, Honey banana guava bread and more.

This blog is not simply a self indulgent, look at me and what I can do type of blog. The recipes are actually perfected to fit both your taste buds desires and your bodies nutritional needs. Marilyn Beard, author of "Just making Noise," is an inspiration to all of us with her adherence to traditional ways such as lacto-fermentation and soaking and dehydrating of nuts, seeds, grains, and beans. It doesn't hurt that her visuals will make you salivate alone. She is a master of the senses when it comes to this blog...despite her hearing impairment :)

I say, keep up the good work!


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall/Winter Seminar, Lecture and Workshop Schedule in Raleigh NC

Fall/Winter Seminar, Lecture, and Workshop Schedule

Oct 14: True Breast Cancer Prevention:Breast Cancer is growing rapidly among women and men inthis country. The 2:16 Ratio can help you know your risk for this disease as well as prevent it. Register for this free lecture today by calling our office.

Oct. 23: National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day: Call 845.3280 today to schedule your complimenatary Acupuncture Health Screening this day ONLY from 9-6pm. a $50 value!

Oct. 28: The Autism Alternative: Natural Therapies for the treatment of Autism. Hosted at Rosie’s Plate in downtown Raleigh (7-9pm) Dr. Greenfield speaks. Register today by calling our office or Rosie’s plate.

Dec. 3: “Beating the Winter Blues: Holistic Approach to Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder.” Hosted at N. Regional Library. (6:30-7:30pm) Dr. Greenfield Speaks Register for this complimentary lecture today by calling our office or the North regional library.

Dec. 8: "10 Super Foods: how they relate to health and healing with Asian Food Therapy" Presented by Brian Kramer, L.Ac at N.Regional Library at 6:30pm. Call our office or the Library to reserve a spot.

Jan 7: “Designed Nutrition for Women” Hosted at N. Regional Library. (6:30-7:30pm) Dr. Greenfield Speaks. Call our office or the library to register for this complimentary lecture today.

Jan. 20: The ADHD Alternative: Natural Therapies for the treatment of ADHD and ADD. Hosted at Rosie’s Plate in downtown Raleigh (7-9pm) Dr.

Greenfield Speaks Call our office or Rosie’s Plate to Register today.

Feb. 4: “Fight Cold and Flu Naturally” Hosted by N.Regional Library. (6:30-7:30pm) Dr. Greenfield Speaks. Call our office or the library to register for this complimentary lecture today.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Raleigh's Center for Chiropractic & Wellness goes Pink for October

Hello all you loyal wellness coordination readers! Just wanted to fill you all in that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in honor of this month the blog is GOING PINK!

In addition, Center for Chiropractic and Wellness is starting the month of by joining the American Cancer Society in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk on Saturday, October 3rd at North Hills in Raleigh. You can join our team by clicking HERE and signing up with our team. You can find the route map HERE. You can also help the cause by donating any amount you can on our team page or by coming in to the office to do so face to face with our lovely staff!

In addition to Making Strides, CCW is also hosting two in office lectures for women and men on the topic. We will be discussing a simple way that you can know your specific risk for breast cancer BEFORE you see any signs. This is true prevention for while mammograms are neccesary, they are not preventative. Check back for dates soon!


Friday, September 18, 2009

How about a House Party in Raleigh?!

What is a Health & Wellness House Party?

A Health and Wellness House Party is a Gathering of Friends, Family, Co-workers, Organizations, etc… in your own home for the purpose of learning TOGETHER about Health and Wellness Options. Dr. Greenfield will come to your place of residence (or other chosen location) and have a learning session with discussion and Q&A on any of the topics listed in this brochure. She can also work with you to formulate a topic of discussion and a presentation to go along with that desired topic. As for the party…that is up to you! We can give you healthy recipes for traditional meals made with whole foods, or you can simply decide a menu for yourself. We could also work with some of our own contacts to possibly provide snacks for your guests. Food is not required, but it always makes a gathering more personal and comfortable!

The Best time for a house party is during the week after 6:30pm or on the weekends.

What are Some of the Topics She Can Speak On?

  • Perfect Bones. A 6 point Plan for Healthy Bones
  • Nourishing Our Children: improve your child’s health and well being through simple and effective nutritional guidelines. Based on research and information from the highly reputable and respected Weston A. Price Foundation, this lecture is essential for anyone interested in giving their children a chance at optimal health, happiness, and quality of life.
  • Detoxification for Weight Loss and Wellness
  • Trans Fats 101: How to find them and why you should stay away from them
  • Top Ten Things: 10 things You can do for your health
  • Natural Stress Management Tactics
  • Menopause: a Holistic Approach to the roller coaster ride of menopause
  • Understanding Hormones: How Balancing hormones can treat illness, prevent disease, and create overall balance.
  • ABCs of Autism: Allergies, Behavior & Chemicals address biomedical needs of autistic children & adults as well as diet and detox therapies to treat autism
  • Nutrition for Women: 10 Foods Women Should Be Eating More Often. This thought-provoking seminar will examine the nutritional health of women and discuss dietary strategies for optimal health
  • Healthy on a Budget: 5-10 tips to staying healthy on a budget
  • Beating the Fall time Change: Natural Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Winter Blues.
  • Fight Cold & Flu Naturally
  • Preventing Breast Cancer with PROPER Nutrition
  • Have you had your Omega-3 today? Why and How much fats are necessary
  • Beating Depression the All Natural Way
  • Are Bioidentical Hormones Right For You?

How Do I Set Up a House Party?

To Schedule a House Party please email to let Jennifer Campbell, our wellness coordinator, know that you are interested. If you are interested in any of these topics or if you have another topic in mind include this in the email.

You Must be within 20 miles of our office to participate due to travel difficulties. This includes most of Wake Forest, Raleigh, Cary, parts of Apex and parts of Chapel Hill and Durham.

Each Gathering will last about 2 hours and is sure to insight a passion for health and wellbeing in your group. Dr. Greenfield’s hope is that she can help each and every person she speaks to on their path to preventive health and overall balance.

Dr. Greenfield does not charge for house parties. She simply hopes to increase public awareness of pressing health issues! Take advantage of this opportunity!

Dr. Jennifer Greenfield is managing partner of Center for Chiropractic & Wellness in Raleigh, NC. Graduating from Parker College of Chiropractic in 2005, she is now an established chiropractor, Applied Kinesiologist, Specializing in Restorative Endocrinology™. She offers in office and phone consultations for women and men of all ages looking to restore their health through Hormone Balancing.

Dr. Greenfield’s journey began at the age of 17 when unrelenting joint and muscle pain led her to seek chiropractic care. Since that time, she has believed in the power of the body to heal itself, which is a foundational premise behind chiropractic. Dr. Greenfield discovered a love of Applied Kinesiology and growing interest in nutrition while at Parker College of Chiropractic. From that time on, she applied herself and dove into learning the connection between the physical, biochemical, and emotional aspects of the body. This fascination and appreciation for the intricate synergy of the different components of the body evolved and grew when she first attended a lecture given by Janet Lang, D.C on Hormone Balancing in 2007. That lecture triggered a passion in Dr. Greenfield and she began to pursue training with Dr. Lang to become a Restorative Endocrinology Specialist.

Dr. Greenfield has structured her practice to highlight the intricate relationships of the body through physical alignment, nutrition, emotional balance and hormone balancing and has seen patients improve beyond their expectations. She incorporates many different therapies into her practice including Neuro-Emotional Technique, which clears emotional blockages in the system to allow for chemical and physical health as well as mental health. Her love of learning manifests itself in her constant search for more information through lectures, literature, research and more across the country. Her ultimate goal is the healing of the whole individual with knowledge, compassion, and understanding. In addition to treating patients, Dr. Greenfield is also a valued speaking personality in the local Raleigh area on many areas of health and wellness, and hopes to take that reputation to the national circuit.

Dr. Greenfield loves her work, but she also recognizes the importance of taking time to heal and restore her own body and mind. Some of her favorite activities are gardening, strolling the Raleigh Greenways, hiking in Umstead Park, traveling to Sedona to soak in the desert beauty, and trying out new recipes with traditional foods. She has lived in Raleigh since 2005 and truly appreciates the vibrant Triangle community where it is easy to find cultural events, intellectual stimulation and outdoor activities.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

When and How to Choose Organic on a Budget in Raleigh

Check out this great article from Cooking Traditional Foods and the American Menu Mailer. It's a great guide for eating healthy during these harsh economic times!

Also check out the healthy foods blog for a post on the Why and How of Traditional Cooking!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Truth about Statin Drugs and Cholesterol

Statin Drugs are one of the biggest money makers of all time for the pharmaceutical industry and their presence is growing globally. With a promise to lower "deadly" cholesterol levels in a time where heart disease is a truly deadly and scary reality for many modern citizens, the sell is an easy one. Recommended cholesterol guidelines lower regularly, seemingly increasing the need for these "wonder drugs." However, behind the promise of safety lies many inconvenient truths...

Cholesterol has never been proven to cause heart disease. The correlation simply doesn't exist as a causal relationship. Instead cholesterol protects against heart disease. Statin drugs reduce cholesterol in the body, reducing the bodies natural defenses against heart issues and leaving the body vulnerable to many side effects, some of which include:

The most common statin side effects include:

  • headache
  • difficulty sleeping
  • flushing of the skin
  • muscle aches, tenderness, or weakness
  • drowsiness/ weakness
  • dizziness
  • nausea and/or vomiting
  • abdominal cramping and/or pain
  • bloating and/or gas
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • rash

Which statin side effects are serious?

Myositis, which is inflammation of the muscles, can occur with statins. The risk of muscle injury increases when certain other medications are coupled with statin use. For example, if you take a combination of a statin and a fibrate -- another cholesterol-reducing drug -- the risk of muscle damage increases greatly compared to someone who takes a statin alone.

Other dangers of statins include other muscle conditions, which can be serious in rare cases. First, there can be statin muscle pain. Known as myalgia, this pain can generally be resolved quickly by discontinuing the medication.

Statins can also cause your CPK levels to be mildly elevated. CPK or creatine kinase is a muscle enzyme that can be measured in the bloodstream. Muscle pain, mild inflammation, and possibly weakness are also seen. This condition, though uncommon, can take a long while to resolve.

The third and most severe serious side effect of statins is called rhabdomyolysis. Muscles all over the body become painful and weakened because of extreme muscle inflammation and damage. CPK levels are extremely elevated as well. The kidneys can become overworked trying to eliminate a large amount of muscle breakdown caused by statin use. The severely damaged muscles release proteins into the blood that collect in the kidneys, thereby causing damage. This can ultimately lead to kidney failure or even death.

Common Misconceptions and Reality

  • MISCONCEPTION: eating fat will increase your cholesterol levels.
  • REALITY: If you don't eat enough fat your body will INCREASE your cholesterol. Eating enough fat (the right amount for your body varies by individual needs) will lower cholesterol. It is all dependent on your unique needs. Your body works together with your diet to make sure you have the right amount of cholesterol given your specific requirements. There is not a universal number or level that should be followed by everyone because every body has different requirements depending on several factors.
  • REALITY: The liver uses cholesterol to produce bile without which is necessary to digest food. Taking Statins interferes with the bodies digestive capability causing irreparable liver damage, even failure. Often we don't notice liver damage till it is too late because the liver can operate normally as low as 38% efficacy (which is technically dysfunctional, although not noticeable). If someone is given statins with a compromised liver then their risk increases exponentially for damage or failure.
  • MISCONCEPTION: Lower Cholesterol is good for the heart and as a result of the efficacy of other organs.
  • REALITY: Lowering Cholesterol increases the risk that your body won't be able to heal correctly, in event of a crisis. Why? because cholesterol helps with to heal wounds, develop scar tissue, etc. internally and externally. If a person is prone to bleeding etc then their cholesterol levels will be higher than someone who is not prone to this.
  • REALITY: Statin Drugs are shown to contribute to brain damage and memory loss given that brain tissue is made up of cholesterol and special cells in the brian actually produce cholesterol.
  • MISCONCEPTION: Statin Drugs are good for the heart.
  • REALITY: Statin Drugs lower Co-Q10 levels, one of the most powerful antioxidants of the heart.After age 60 our bodies ability to produce this enzyme are reduced. Taking Statindrugs after this age increases risk for coronary artery disease due to the lack of Co-Q10

  • eat a healthy diet. Eat regular snacks every 3 hours, eat whole, organic (local if possible) foods. Stay away from refined carbohydrates and refined sugars. Avoid Soy products. Supplement your nutrition with whole food and herbal supplements such as Standard Process and MediHerb. Work with a holistic practitioner (chiropractor, acupuncturist, naturopath, etc.) to ascertain your bodies specific needs and to satisfy them.
  • exercise regularly. 30 minutes of activity 3-5 times a week minimally keeps your heart in good working function! Try cardiovascular exercise such as walking and restorative/resistance practices such as Yoga and Pilates.
  • be true to yourself. Identify your emotions, accept them and live without that emotional weight bearing you down. A good mental status is connected to a strong physical one.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Raleigh Chiropractor discusses an All Natural Medicine Cabinet

It’s here! The Fall is upon us. Back to School, activites galore, busy work schedule, holidays coming left and right…. runny noses, itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, restless nights, exhaustion, basically an all out attack on our immune systems. Children, the elderly, those under stress (basically all of us this time of year), those with poor diets (ever heard of the new years resolution to loose 10 pounds from holiday weight gain?), chronic illness, and those who are exposed to environmental stressors are especially at risk. As we prepare for the school year many of us find ourselves rushing to the pharmacy on the way to don our battle armor of not so effective prescription and over the counter drugs. By the end of the season our medicine cabinets are full of sticky, gooey, and not so attractive shiny bottles, most of which did not work but remain there for now real reason other than the fact that they cost so much money you hate to through them out. Pure insanity…

However, we need not settle for this awful scenario anymore. In addition to a better diet, incorporating stress identification and releasing tools, and incorporating physical activity, the solution is simple: the use of nutritional and herbal supplements is the key. These holistic items help reduce the risk of infection and illness, and the help us get over an illness much faster as well, without pumping our body full of pink and purple synthetic liquids and pills which are usually full of toxic additives. Nevertheless, even when using herbal and whole food nutritional supplements it is still very important to receive quality assurance of the product(s). Herbal manufacturing under pharmaceutical standards is essential. Currently the issues involved in herbal manufacture are more complex than those for conventional drugs because an herb is biologically defined and there are no internationally recognized standards. Because of this these supplements may be incorrectly identified, the wrong part of the plant may be used, the chemical content may vary, active compounds may be unknown, processing may enhance or detract from the quality of the product, the stability of the product may be difficult to define, and the quality is difficult to define. For these reasons we (Center for Chiropractic & Wellness) use supplements from Standard Process Inc. ONLY due to their long history of quality assurance and superb product lines. Below is a list of supplements from Standard Process that make up an effective and useful all Natural Medicine Cabinet (Click on each name to see official Standard Process website info on each product):


Echinacea is the “KING of Prevention Herbs.” It works best as a preventative, or in the very early stages of a cold or sickness. It can be taken long term or only during the cold/flu season depending on your typical state of health. Echinacea is proven to incrase the phagocytic activity of the body. This means that better direct clearance and inactivation of pathogenic organisms by the first line of defense (phagocytes) occurs, and that there is a beter immune surveillance which accelerates the response of he immune system to the new pathogen, or to other opportunistic pathogens.


Catalyn is a multiple vitamin, mineral, and trace mineral concentrate formulated by Dr. Royal Lee in 1929. Catalyn is the antithesis of the "mega-dose" approach to nutritional supplementation. Dr. Lee summoned the whole of his considerable nutritional experience and know-how to provide a nutritional catalyst, a supplement using whole food ingredients, which he named Catalyn. The goal was to provide a food-based package of nutrients in the most potent and bioavailable form–its natural state. This supplement is the best multivitamin on the market in my opinion due to its whole food all natural approach; an approach that allows for optimal absorption unlike synthetic vitamins.

Andrographis Complex

Andrographis is anthelmintic, boosts the immune system, and is hepatoprotective. The herbs in this supplement (including Holy Basil) also support mucus flow, enhance the hody’s response to temporary stress, and may have value as an agent to prevent chemical-induced cancer!


Congaplex contains thymus Cytosol™ extract and helps support the healthy function of the upper respiratory tract. The thymus gland is considered the master gland that regulates the immune system. Cytosol™ extracts from the thymus gland contain the building blocks of the powerful thymic hormone, which supports and stimulates the immune system. This supplement contains nutrients and tissue extracts that contribute to the healthy response of the immune system.

Herbal Throat Spray:
Herbal Mouthwashes have been used for centuries to support oral health and maintain healthy mucosal tissue in the mouth and throat. SP Herbal Throat Spray offers the same benefits as a mouthwash but the convenient spray pump allows for easy use and application, which is important when regular support during the day is needed. Remember to swallow because the herbs also exert their effects internally!


Immuplex combines vitamins A, B12, C, and E, folic acid, and minerals, such as zinc, copper, chromium, iron, and selenium. Immuplex contains bovine thymus, liver, and spleen tissue extracts–nutrients and tissues well known for their important roles in immune system health and function.


Broncafect contains herbs to provide the following activities: It sooths and heals inflamed bronchial mucosa. It acts as an expectorant, facilitating the removal of sputum (a substance such as saliva, phlegm, or mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract and usually ejected by mouth). It is anti-infective whilst enhancing immune function, and managing fever through diaphoresis (sweating, especially sweating induced for medical reasons). It relaxes bronchial spasms, and it stimulates circulation to relieve congestion.

Golden Seal:

Golden Seal was used for many purposes by Native Americans, and was specifically indicated by Eclectic Physicians for catarrhal states of the mucous membranes. This supplement acts as an antihemorrhagic, bitter, anti-inflammatory, depurative, wound healing, and promoter of bile flow. Basically, Golden Seal assists in maintenance of healthy breathing passages for free and clear breathing as well as healthy mucous membranes.

*Take Echinacea during cold/flu season

**Take Catalyn all year long

Once you have these all-natural and reliable whole food and herbal supplements on hand at home you will have the ideal army to attack against the following symptoms. Use the following protocols in conjunction with lots of water (for cleansing), Rest, and Chicken soup or Broth (for warmth, nutrition, and fluids). *Doses are available unless otherwise prescribed by your healthcare provider:

For Basic Prevention:


1 tablet/day for children
2 tablets/day for adults


1 tablet 2-3x/day for children

2 tablets 2-3x/day for adultes


2 capsules 3x/day for 30 days then use at first sign of cold/flu illness

For Acute Infection:

Andrographis Complex:

1 tablet 2-3x/day for children

2 tablets 2-3x/day for adults


For Upper Respiratory Congestion/Infection:


3 capsules 3-4x/day for adults

1-2 chewable tablets 3x/day for children


2 tablets 3-4x/day for adult


For Sinus Infections:

Andrographis Complex

1-2 tablet 2-3x/day adults


Golden Seal

Same as above

For Sore or Scratchy Throat:

MediHerb Throat Spray:

2-3 Sprays 3 or moreX/day

Remember…the sooner you start to use the supplements the faster you’ll respond and get better! For other symptoms and conditions, consult with your healthcare practitioner. If you have a sustained high fever over 24 hours, consult this person as well. Remember, Every BODY is different. Your body may respond to varying doses of these supplements better, or to other supplements altogether. It is always best to consult your chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, or other holistic health care provider in event of illness. That being said, it is still a good idea to be armed with natural preventative and acute remedies.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Does Chiropractic Reduce Health Care Costs?

"Findings from the Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield 2008 Physical Medicine Pilot on Quality, a one-year pilot program designed to measure patient quality of care, suggest significant clinical outcomes and health care cost reductions attributable to the use of chiropractic and other physical medicine services...." Read more by clicking here

Monday, August 10, 2009

Time For Lunch: National Day of Action

As a follow up to the previous post on school lunches and creating awareness i'd like to bring light to the Slow Food USA's Time for Lunch campaign...

When the Time for Lunch campaign launched in June, Slow Food's Goal was to organize 100 Eat-Ins for the National Day of Action on September 7. Within a month, Slow Food chapters nationwide had stepped up and surpassed that goal, so we doubled it to 200 Eat-Ins. If you check the Eat-In map on our campaign web site, you’ll see that enough new organizers and partner organizations have joined the campaign that we’ve now passed our 200 Eat-In goal and are still steamrolling forward. The people who are organizing their communities for this campaign represent a real movement for change. They deserve thanks and your support.

What can you do to get involved?

#1 Sign the petition to give kids real food at school.
#2 Spread the word. Send friends an email about the campaign, share it on Facebook, Twitter or write about it to your blog.
#3 Contact Your Legislature
#4 Organize an Eat-In. It’s not too late: gather friends, family, neighbors and colleagues for a Labor Day potluck, take a photo (the more creative, the better) and send it to us on Sept. 7 to show your support.

What is Real Food?
Real food is good at every link in the chain. It tastes good, it’s good for us, it’s good for the people who grow it, it’s good for our country and it’s good for the planet.

What is an Eat-In?
An Eat-In is a potluck. Eat-Ins bring people together to share a meal and show their support for a cause like getting real food into schools.

As always, I encourage you to be proactive for your health, your wellness, and YOUR life! Live it well, not complacently.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Reinventing the School Lunch- Ann Cooper

Back to School means school lunches for many people. Whether choosing government subsidized or privately funded school lunches for cost, convenience, or sheer habits sake many children are often left with low quality and low nutrient dense food as their sole source of sustanance throughout the day. Studies have shown that a diet of this low caliber can result in food allergies, learning disabilites, behavioral problems and much more.

So other, than meticulously pack your child's lunch with the hope that they aren't tossing their organic carrot sticks for the cafeterias cheese pizza what is a mom or dad to do?

Cafeteria reform is not an urban myth. Parents can do something about what schools feed their children. Proof is in the "pudding" so to speak...Just ask this Chef...

"Chef Ann Cooper is a renegade lunch lady. She works to transform cafeterias into culinary classrooms for students — one school lunch at a time.

At The Ross School in East Hampton, NY, Chef Ann served as the executive chef and director of wellness and nutrition, developing an integrated school lunch curriculum centered on regional, organic, seasonal and sustainable meals. The implementation of her pilot wellness program proved successful, and Chef Ann was invited to work with schools across the country. She has transformed public school cafeterias in New York City, Harlem and Bridgehampton, NY, and now in Berkeley, CA, to teach more students why good food choices matter by putting innovative strategies to work and providing fresh, organic lunches to all students.

Chef Ann offers consulting services for school administrators, revamping their school lunch programs and offering nutrition and food choice education to students. She works with schools to incorporate integrated school lunch curriculums that not only promote nutrition and food education, but serve healthful foods and increase the availability of healthy food and nutrition choices for kids and teens. Through collaborative work with organizations including the Center for Ecoliteracy, Alice Waters' Chez Panisse Foundation, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Food and Society Policy Fellowship, Chef Ann has made tremendous strides in a variety of school wellness programs."

Chef Ann is the author of

Check out these sample menus so you can show YOUR school system that eating healthy is NOT a lost cause!

Sample Elementary School Menu to show your principle/PTA
Sample Middle School Menu to show your principle/PTA


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beating Depression with Whole Foods in Raleigh

According to Erin Bates from "Drug advertisements and conventional doctors tell the public that depression is caused by an imbalance of a neurotransmitter in the brain called serotonin. This idea makes it seem that drugs that flood the brain with serotonin are the answer to depression, but there is no scientific evidence that drug therapy really works. In studies in which scientists lowered serotonin levels to induce depression, the experiment failed. Other studies found that dramatically increasing serotonin levels in the brain failed to relieve depression. So why do doctors persist in prescribing medications with side effects ranging from mood swings to suicidal or homicidal behaviors when those drugs may not even work?"

There are treatment options that can relieve depression not involving taking synthetic chemicals. Many of the symptoms of depression can be directly linked to, YOU GUESSED IT...Nutrition! Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the standard American diet, which is largely made up of empty carbs, processed foods, and sugar sugar sugar keep our bodies from naturally combatting mental and physical issues such as depression, mood swings and fatigue.

Combatting depression or avoiding it all together may be as easy as changing your diet and boosting your consumption of key foods that deliver brain-boosting nutrients and help regulate brain chemistry. Below are 5 foods known to boost our nutritive status and help battle depression.

The Five Foods for Beating Depression

Fish oils:
"Contain omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown that depressed people often lack a fatty acid known as EPA. Participants in a 2002 study featured in the Archives of General Psychiatry took just a gram of fish oil each day and noticed a 50-percent decrease in symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disorders, unexplained feelings of sadness, suicidal thoughts, and decreased sex drive. Omega-3 fatty acids can also lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Get omega-3s through walnuts, flaxseed and oily fish like salmon or tuna (Bates)." Standard Process makes an easy to take Tuna Omega Oil that is made from whole foods. Synthetic vitamins will not give you the benefits of whole food vitamins. In fact they often create malnourishment due to your bodies inability to process them correctly.

Brown Rice:
"Contains vitamins B1 and B3, and folic acid. Brown rice is also a low-glycemic food, which means it releases glucose into the bloodstream gradually, preventing sugar lows and mood swings. Brown rice also provides many of the trace minerals we need to function properly, as well as being a high-fiber food that can keep the digestive system healthy and lower cholesterol. Instant varieties of rice do not offer these benefits. Any time you see "instant" on a food label, avoid it(Bates)." Make sure you are getting organic rice and that you are limiting your intake to the suggested 1/2C per serving.

Brewer's Yeast:
"Contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Brewer's yeast should be avoided if you do not tolerate yeast well, but if you do, mix a thimbleful into any smoothie for your daily dose. This superfood packs a wide assortment of vitamins and minerals in a small package, including 16 amino acids and 14 minerals. Amino acids are vital for the nervous system, which makes brewer's yeast a no-brainer for treating depression(Bates)." If you use this in a smoothie consider using SP Complete as your whole food smoothie base. You can find great recipes here.

Whole-grain oats:
"Contain folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamins B6 and B1. Oats help lower cholesterol, are soothing to the digestive tract and help avoid the blood sugar crash-and-burn that can lead to crabbiness and mood swings. Other whole grains such as kamut, spelt and quinoa are also excellent choices for delivering brain-boosting nutrients and avoiding the pitfalls of refined grains such as white flour(Bates)." Bob's Red Mill makes excellent Steel Cut and Rolled Organic Oats. You can even find Gluten Free Oats in this brand!

"Contains vitamin C and folic acid. Cabbage protects against stress, infection and heart disease, as well as many types of cancers, according to the American Association for Cancer Research. There are numerous ways to get cabbage into your diet; toss it in a salad instead of lettuce, use cabbage in place of lettuce wraps, stir fry it in your favorite Asian dish, make some classic cabbage soup or juice it. To avoid gas after eating cabbage, add a few fennel, caraway or cumin seeds before cooking. Cabbage is also a good source of blood-sugar-stabilizing fiber, and the raw juice of cabbage is a known cure for stomach ulcers(Bates)."


Also worth mentioning:
Raw cacao, dark molasses and brazil nuts (high in selenium) are also great for boosting brain function and absolving depression.

Things to avoid
"If you feel you are depressed or at risk for depression, you also need to avoid certain foods and substances. Some commonly prescribed drugs -- such as antibiotics, barbiturates, amphetamines, pain killers, ulcer drugs, anticonvulsants, beta-blockers, anti-Parkinson's drugs, birth control pills, high blood pressure drugs, heart medications and psychotropic drugs -- contribute to depression. If you are taking any of these, don't quit them without talking to your doctor; but be aware that they may be contributing to your condition by depleting your body of depression-fighting vitamins and minerals.You should also avoid caffeine, smoking and foods high in fat and sugar. Keeping your blood sugar stable and getting B vitamins is important for stabilizing your mood. Cacao can be good for mood because it releases endorphins in the brain, but watch out for milk chocolate and candy varieties high in sugar (Bates)."

Other non-food things to do
Get plenty of sunshine. Natural sunlight is a proven cure for depression.
Exerciseat least three times per week. Exercise lifts mood and alters brain chemistry in a positive way
Laugh. It's good medicine.

Do Not stop taking any prescribed meds without consulting your doctor. Sudden alterations in a medication schedule can cause severe physical and mental side effects.