Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Updates, Congratulations, and More!


Before I get to our updates and more let me just send a huge Congratulatory Shout Out to all the lovely ladies that finished the detox program in April! I know from experience that this program is really beneficial and seeing it have such staggering results in the mental and physical health of these dedicated ladies as well as their physical appearance has been so encouraging and uplifting. Many of you ladies have come in to tell me how well you have done and how good you feel and let me just say that it SHOWS! You are glowing! So thank you for being so dedicated to your health. We'll be having another detox bootcamp this year so I'll keep you posted. Maybe next time we can persuade some men to give it a try ;o)

Now for your much awaited updates.

To begin, let me just point out that I have added an exciting new section to this blog in conjunction with Dr. Greenfield. The title of the section is "Pearls of Wisdom from Dr. Greenfield" and the hope is that this section will contain a weekly "pearl of wisdom" from Dr. Greenfield's very capable and knowledgeable database of health related topics. The first post is a personal story of her journey out of Diet Coke addiction and how giving up artificial sweeteners has affected her life. I would definitely recommend reading this article and keeping an eye out for more as she is always eager to share her experiences and her education.

Secondly I would like to point out that updates are being made to our home website. Please bare with us as we correct some information, enhance some areas, and add some service options. If you feel that you need more information while this process is in the works please don't hesitate to call the office at (919)845-3280 or to email me at with questions or comments.

Also, I hope that all of you are keeping up with the weekly recipe section of this blog contributed by our very own herbanite and friend, Cindy Karas. She has some great spring time foods on the menu so don't miss out!

Now let me go on to the upcoming June Events which are posted in the right hand column.
  • June 10th at 6pm CCW will be holding its first Calcium Clinic in partnership with Standard Process representatives. The purpose of this free clinic is to show why calcium is important, how you can most effectively get it into the body and how you can incoorporate other nutrients into your diet to increase absorption. Calcium is important for much more than just healthy bones and we feel it is essential that the public understand this fully. Please come join us in the American Cancer Society Conference Room on the Ground floor of AIHF to learn more. If you desire to attend we ask that you RSVP by calling the office at 845-3280 or emailing me at The need for notification is due to the supplies we need to have on hand for our guests. It is very important, therefore, that we have an accurate head count.
  • June 24th at 6pm Dr. Thomas Young will be presenting "Vacation Fitness and Nutrition" as part of the Learn it to Live it Series. This hour long presentation will focus on how you can enjoy your vacation without breaking your exercise and nutritional plan. Health is synonymous with a fun and relaxing break and Dr. Young will show you how. His extensive experience in physical training, chiropractic, nutrition, and whole body health has given him quite a bit of information to share. Please call or email to reserve a free spot.
  • June 27th at 5pm we will wrap up June with a relaxing and fun movie night for all our patients and their guests. We will be showing "Supersize Me" in the American Cancer Society Conference Room along with some healthy snacks and a relaxed atmosphere. Please call us to reserve a seat for free. As always, please note that the Youth activity Center is open to everyone using a service here at AIHF so if you don't have a sitter, don't sweat it! Just call them 24 hours in advance to reserve a spot for child care. 919-847-2393
Before I end, I want to extend an invitation to every one of you to come see me in office with any questions, concerns, ideas, or other that you may have. My main role here at CCW is patient relations and I'm very happy it is! I love meeting new people, chatting with old friends, and helping everyone get the most out of their experience here with the CCW office and family. As a rule I meet with new patients to create awareness and comfort around our practice but I am not only limited to new faces. Anyone who needs me may get on my schedule. The service is complimentary to all patients and its fun for me so don't hesitate!

Hope to see you soon!

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